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Engine Labs

An AI powered software engineer for your GitHub repos
325 installs




GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Engine Pro plan available.

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Engine is your AI-powered junior engineer. Assign issues to Engine from your project management tools and quickly get a pull request in GitHub for your review or approval. Need changes? Engine will respond to your code reviews or CI/CD actions and update the pull request.

Clear your backlog with help from Engine.

How it Works

Engine works like an AI-powered junior Engineer to automates bug fixes, feature requests, and more.

Put Engine to work on your tickets and issues to get extra help staying on top of your backlog - you can assign tasks to Engine directly from your project management tools. Engine will ask for extra information or return a pull request for review. If you need changes, Engine will respond to your code reviews or CI/CD actions and update the pull request.

Engine works in its own remote development environment so you can do other things while Engine writes your code. You can also jump into the Engine IDE to work alongside your AI junior developer if you need to.

Getting Started

Engine is easy to set up. Just connect it to your project management tool and GitHub account. It will automatically optimise itself to write the best code for your repo but you can also edit the system prompt yourself. Engine can handle any VM configuration you need so you know it will pass your CI/CD checks before it makes a pull request.

From your Engine account select 'Connect code' and choose GitHub from the pop-up modal. Follow the authorisation flow to complete the connection.

  1. Link your project manage tool with Engine
  2. Connect your GitHub account
  3. Set up repos you'd like Engine to work on
  4. Start assigning tasks to Engine

For help getting started, see our docs.

To learn more, visit our website.

  • Plan: Engine requires a paid plan which includes AI usage.
  • User Permissions: Engine needs access to your repos to make pull requests for your approval.
  • Availability: Engine is available in beta.
Engine Labs screenshot

Plans and pricing

The best plan for medium size teams. Includes 200 pull requests.
$2,495 / month
  • Unlimited team members
  • Latest AI models
  • Run concurrent tasks
$2,495 / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

Engine Labs is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


An AI powered software engineer for your GitHub repos
325 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.




Engine Pro plan available.