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Releases: elastic/go-elasticsearch


17 Nov 17:20
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  • ML.StartTrainedModelDeployment: Description of NumberOfAllocations has been changed in "The total number of allocations this model is assigned across machine learning nodes".
  • Security.GetAPIKey: Added WithLimitedBy boolean parameter. Flag to show the limited-by role descriptors of API Keys.
  • Security.GetUser: Added WithProfileUID boolean parameter. Flag to retrieve profile uid (if exists) associated to the user.
  • Security.GetUserProfile: Changed the description of uid parameter, a comma-separated list of unique identifier for user profiles.
  • Security.QueryAPIKeys: Added WithLimitedBy boolean parameter. Flag to show the limited-by role descriptors of API Keys.
  • TextStructureFindStructure: Added EcsCompatibility string parameter. Optional parameter to specify the compatibility mode with ECS Grok patterns - may be either 'v1' or 'disabled'.

Promoted to stable

  • ML.InferTrainedModel
  • ML.PutTrainedModelDefinitionPart
  • ML.PutTrainedModelVocabulary
  • ML.StartTrainedModelDeployment
  • ML.StopTrainedModelDeployment
  • Security.activateUserProfile
  • Security.DisableUserProfile
  • Security.EnableUserProfile
  • Security.GetUserProfile
  • Security.HasPrivilegesUserProfile
  • Security.SuggestUserProfiles
  • Security.UpdateUserProfileData

New APIs

Typed API

Following multiple feedbacks we decided to remove the builder API for the type tree.

In its place, work has started to further simplify the type tree by removing redundant type aliases. The API also now comes with a helper package named some that allows to call for inline pointers on primitive types.

In addition, a bug was fixed preventing the use of wildcards in index names, and enums are now extensible by default.

The Typed API remains in alpha stage while its development continues.


26 Oct 15:09
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  • Added the option to override the Content-Type to enable usage of alternative serialization. (#542)
  • API is compatible with Elasticsearch 7.17.7


24 Aug 16:14
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  • get, mget and search added force_synthetic_source: Should this request force synthetic _source? Use this to test if the mapping supports synthetic _source and to get a sense of the worst case performance. Fetches with this enabled will be slower the enabling synthetic source natively in the index.
  • ML.StartTrainedModelDeployment added cache_size: A byte-size value for configuring the inference cache size. For example, 20mb.
  • Snapshot.Get added sort, size, order, from_sort_value, after, offset and slm_policy_filter. More on these in the documentation.


Typed API

As highlighted in the release not for the 8.4.0-alpha.1, this release marks the beginning of the newly arrived TypedClient.

This new API is still in alpha stage and will be release alongside the existing esapi.

A few examples of standard use-cases can be found in the TypedAPI section of the documentation.


18 Aug 09:48
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8.4.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

This second prerelease of the 8.4.0 updates the API for the client and fixes the serialization for types using additional properties.


13 Jul 09:03
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8.4.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

This prerelease introduces a new typed API generated from the elasticsearch-specification. This generation from the common specification allows us to provide a complete API which uses an exhaustive hierarchy of types reflecting the possibilities given by Elasticsearch.

This new API is the next iteration of the Go client for Elasticsearch, it now lives alongside the existing API, it is in alpha state and will gain features over time and releases.

What's new

The TypedClient is built around a fluent builder for easier request creation and a collection of structures and helpers that mimics as closely as possible the Elasticsearch JSON API.

As a first example, here is a search request:

cfg := elasticsearch.Config{
	// Define your configuration
es, _ := elasticsearch.NewTypedClient(cfg)
res, err := es.Search().
        Query: &types.QueryContainer{
            Match: map[types.Field]types.MatchQuery{
                "name": {Query: "Foo"},

The Request uses the structures found in the typedapi/types package which will lead you along the possibilities. A builder for each structure that allows easier access and declaration is also provided.

More on the specifics and a few examples of standard use-cases can be found in the TypedAPI section of the documentation.


While most of the endpoints are covered, a few points are still being worked on and will be part of future releases:

  • NDJSON endpoints: bulk, msearch, msearch_template, ML.post_data, find_structure, to name a few.
  • Response and Errors structures with deserialization.

Transport & config

While being different, the new API uses all the existing layers that were built so far, elastic-transport-go remains the preferred transport and all your configuration and credentials applies, same as before.


Feedback is very welcome, play with it, use it, let us know what you think!


28 Jun 16:27
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  • ML.InferTrainedModelDeployment renamed to InferTrainedModel
  • ML.PreviewDatafeed has two new parameters, start and end. Documentation
  • ML.StartTrainedModelDeployment has three new parameters, number_of_allocations, threads_per_allocation and queue_capacity. Documentation
  • Cluster.DeleteVotingConfigExclusions has a new master_timeout parameter.
  • Cluster.PostVotingConfigExclusions has a new master_timeout parameter.
  • Snapshot.Get has a new index_names parameters (boolean). Whether to include the name of each index in the snapshot. Defaults to true.

New APIs

  • Security.HasPrivilegesUserProfile (Experimental API) Documentation


04 May 09:42
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  • Fixed a serialisation error for retry_on_conflict in the BulkIndexer. Thanks to @lpflpf for the help!
  • Fixed a concurrent map error in the BulkIndexer when custom headers are applied. Thanks to @chzhuo for the contribution!


New APIs


09 Mar 17:41
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  • API is generated from the Elasticsearch 8.1.0 specification.

New parameters

  • WithWaitForCompletion for Indices.Forcemerge
  • WithFeatures for Indices.Get
  • WithForce for ML.DeleteTrainedModel

New APIs

  • OidcAuthenticate, OidcLogout and OidcPrepareAuthentication see documentation
  • TransformResetTransform


28 Feb 17:39
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  • Fixed serialization of the routing parameter for the BulkIndexerItem routing property.


10 Feb 18:02
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  • The client now uses elastic-transport-go dependency which lives in its own repository.
  • With the knewly extracted transport, the retryOnTimeout has been replaced with a retryOnError callback. This allows to select more finely which error should be retried by the client.
  • BulkIndexerItem Body field is now an io.ReadSeeker allowing reread without increasing memory consumption.
  • BulkIndexerItem know correctly uses the routing property instead of the deprecated _routing.


  • API is generated from the Elasticsearch 8.0.0 specification.