evaluate->make plans->test plans->reformat plan->test plan->performing
- function by function
- component by component
- Factory - external team producing components or functions for customer
- Assisted - people assigned to project and working in parallel with customer
- Camps - specific groups (each group based on focus) of people are waiting for serving customer requests
- rehost ( one-to-one )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Discover components to migrate
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- replatform (one-to-one with optimization, replace with existing AWS services )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Discover components to migrate
- Evaluate appropriate service replacements
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- repurchase ( using AWS services + AWS Marketplace with configured machines )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Discover components to migrate
- Evaluate appropriate service replacements
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Purchase necessary software/components
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- refactor reachitect ( what should be re-architected -> SOA )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Discover components to migrate
- Evaluate appropriate service replacements
- Identify appropriate architecture
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Build test architecture
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- retire ( what may not be migrated )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Identify unnecessary components
- Discover components to migrate
- Retire unnecessary components
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- retain ( not ready, not necessary to migrate )
- Specify Migration Goals
- Identify data to migrate
- Identify best environment for each component
- Analyze migration services
- Identify migration plan
- Setup cross-environment connectivity
- Test components and application functionality
- Backup data and application
- Replicate application data
- Migrate application components
- Test
- Platform review and considerations
- Key parameters of new environment
- Can app affort downtime, how long ?
- Data migration - now or later ?
^|------------------------------|------------| T| DirectConnect/StorageGateway | Snowmobile | i|------------------------------|------------| m| transfer to S3 directly | Snowball | e|------------------------------|------------| size of data --->
- available for: VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Azure VM
- replicate to AmazonMachineImages ( EC2 )
- using connector - BSDVM that you should install into your environment
- Amazon CloudEndure,
- AWS ServerMigrationService
- AWS DatabaseMigrationService
- Application Discovery Service
- Application Discovery Agents
perform discovery and collect data
- agentless ( working with VMware vCenter )
- agent-based ( collecting processes into VM and exists network connections )
- Disover current infrastructure
- Experiment with services and copy of data
- Iterate with another experiment ( using other services )
- Deploying to AWS
wget https://repo.percona.com/apt/percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
# MySQL 5.6, 5.7; for MySQL 8.0 - XtraBackup 8.0
sudo apt-get -y install percona-xtrabackup-24
sudo xtrabackup --backup --stream=tar --user=my_user --password=my_password | gzip -c > /home/ubuntu/xtrabackup.tar.gz
aws rds restore-db-instance-from-s3 --db-instance-identifier ghost-db-mysql --db-instance-class db.t2.large --engine mysql --source-engine mysql --source-engine-version 5.7.22 --s3-bucket-name <FMI> --s3-ingestion-role-arn "<FMI>" --allocated-storage 100 --master-username admin --master-user-password foobarfoobar --region <FMI>
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ghost-db-mysql --region <FMI> --query DBInstances[0].DBInstanceStatus
- create replication instance
- create source endpoint
- create target endpoint
- create database migration task
- registration, get free migration license
- IAM policy
- Create user IAM user
- CloudEndure->select source and destination regions
- CloudEndure->Setup & Info->write down AccessKeyId & SecretAccessKey
- CloudEndure->Machines How to Add Machines
- Install agent on EC2 instance
wget -O ./installer_linux.py https://console.cloudendure.com/installer_linux.py sudo python ./installer_linux.py -t 0B7F-A786-6F8F-0727-08E2-0CB1-B758-7E41-4D03-7A47-8C2A-129A-8CFE-B115-09EA-A1EC --no-prompt
- CloudEndure->LaunchTargetMachines->TestMode ( check JobProgress )
- EC2 instance list
- check ip addresses in new EC2
secrets store
pay attention to Parameter Store
Primarily used for storing configuration data and parameters ( database connection strings, passwords, license codes )