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Releases: a-h/templ


22 May 13:16
@a-h a-h
Choose a tag to compare


4359232 Create LICENSE
d4e1222 Update
cbae1f9 Update
9aca815 Update
7dc1886 remove the name from the template output, fixes #7


18 May 08:33
@a-h a-h
Choose a tag to compare


92cb428 removed duplicated LSP commands, and suppressed edit warnings


16 May 19:33
@a-h a-h
Choose a tag to compare


4267f7e Add switch expression
55cd581 Update
cf2411b Update
07f5955 Update
6277e87 add autoinsert of closing tag
ab85c77 add quotes to string expression content
55e8f88 add support for hyphens in element names
95fb271 add the sourcemap to the output
f88775c added CallTemplateExpression generator
fc0e3e3 added
dea055f added for loop
69f40e0 added generated content tests
09af116 added generation of for expression
61e9040 added generation test for call expression
4595719 added hello world LSP
1769742 added if expression generation
dee2513 added if parser
1b053f2 added more source mapping
7d72c56 added node string expression
dc726fb added release process
e40fce1 added source map to package parser
8c56eb8 added start of generator unit tests
55fff23 added start of gopls proxy testing
91ba54d added support for whitespace within templates (still need to capture the whitespace for rendering HTML)
4b77d56 added test by line/col
1604344 added unit test for reformatting for loop
b02c79a added unit testing Github action
d686488 added unit tests for source to target source code position lookup
d6ded18 added web rendering example
a460c07 automatic insertion of endif, endtempl, etc.
ad4bb89 block elements end on a new line too
c5acb83 bumped parsing library
a762bf5 change default branch name
3ca5e24 configure a direct proxy (no modification) from templ to gopls
21ce793 documented components
740050b empty elements stay on one line
3dd576e enable accepting autocomplete suggestions
a2235d0 ensure elements are closed during reformatting
9dac63a ensure that template elements are considered as block
d8a6024 first commit
09d894e first commit of fmt command, renamed compile cmd to generate
39946af fix bug with doubling up >>
d718ede fixed a few minor linter issues
004539b fixed bug in error message
978b366 fixed up basic formatting
1f454d7 formatting
8b5995b generate whitespace and element node
1c42fee got the LSP proxy working
7c0ec70 improve error messages with mismatched tags
e3d4688 improve parser error messages
18a4bf8 keep inline elements on the same line
bab004e make the logging locations configurable
31e4fab most of the way towards a refactor to log the position of all Go expressions in source templates
2ad23c1 multithread template compilation
7e0bad9 normalise strings to tidy the output
fa4b605 only void HTML tags are self-closing
802693b refactor CLI into two packages
9bec583 refactor autoinsertion
6212996 refactor into separate files/tests
0472cfb refactor to reduce public API
c1f7d0c remove early test of interacting with gopls
1d9dc9f remove examples from git
465fefb return count of compiled files
b204183 reuse tagEnd parser
5db2993 start adding mapping between source code positions and the parsed nodes
b099b62 started adding the sourcemap
056bc39 started adding unit tests for the reformatting rules
d5768c0 started adjusting the proxied commands
9a742fc started generator
44d85cb test behaviour of child block elements
4fefc81 unescape raw attribute values
50d61c4 update README and formatting
c491373 update docs
6414ae6 update to use the base context instead of a mutex
9208973 updated docs
4a78245 updated docs
74d5de8 updated docs
8862ced updated generator to add indentation and error handling
d71c99d updated parsing library to surface parsing errors in the Any function
551ffa4 updated to use templ.Component interface to make it easier to create layouts